Florence, Tuscany & Pitti Uomo — Luxury Executive

Florence, Tuscany & Pitti Uomo


It is always great to be back in the capital of Tuscany, and I can’t get enough of Florence to be honest. Is it high season - in the mid of July - where I just hop from rooftop to rooftop (pop by Continentale for the ultimate sparkle) or the less crowded months of spring and late summer. I especially love September and June as temperatures are very moderate, but you don’t have the massive amount of tourists anymore (or not yet, plus caution as Florence is always flooded with tourists). While I would recall the city a real labyrinth, there is one central axis to avoid under all circumstances: the main street from Piazza Duomo to Ponte Vecchio via Piazza della Repubblica. Instead, walk the side streets of Via Turnabuoni (where you can benefit from the most dazzling window shopping) or go for Via dei Calzaiuoli which ends at Piazza della Signoria. Even though I love Florence above all, I love to check-in at Villas and Palazzi in towns around the city. Best case for your trip to Florence: stay in Fiesole where you have the real killer views. Yes, I agree sleeping in the city is beautiful if it is the Savoy by Sir Rocco Forte or one of the Lungarno Collection Hotels (I really liked Gallery Art Hotel), but I wouldn’t necessarily do it again if I don’t need to do it. Just because staying in Fiesole, Carmignano or San Casciano in Val di Pesa is the ultimate thing. Checking in at Villa Mangiacane or Il Salviatino - hands down my two favorites around Firenze - feels like being part of the Medici Family. I know no other place in the world that has got hotels as pretty as Tuscany so why not staying at one of these medieval Villas that have been redone in the most incredible way?


So if you don’t come back to Florence for the culture - I still haven’t made it to the Uffizi Museum (shame on me I know) - go there for one very fashionable reason. Yes, Milan is still the capital of the Haute Couture and Fashion Weeks, but Florence is not less fashionable any way. Twice a year, there is the world famous Pitti Uomo which is the most celebrated fair for menswear. Personally, Pitti Uomo for me is the key event where the real men fashion is being presented. Honestly, what I love most about this fair is that there is a fair amount of brands that are not yet known that well. So there is huge potential in buying pieces from these brands in order to stand out. No matter if elegant leather suitcase making it possible to transport your suits without the need to bring it to the hotel pressing after the long haul flight, coolest espadrilles for the following summer or simply the coolest bath shorts available in the world. Pitti Uomo is a place where affordable fashion meets the future trends of menswear. Also important to note is that a huge majority of brands is Italy based so this really supports the local industry as well, but still you find international producer that match the sophisticated atmosphere of the already existing offer.


Another reason why I love to be in Florence for Pitti Uomo is the fact that even if you do not attend the fair, you get to see so many well dressed people all over the city. It’s the time when fashionistas come out on the streets and go crazy, and in the end there is just one thing you can say: WOW. Plus nota bene the way how fashionable influencers dress during the Pitti Uomo as this will be the actual way of dressing the following year. So for me it is the best inspiration to combine luxury travel with the world of fashion in the most balanced way - I love Florence as a city and I think Pitti Uomo is one of these fashion events where I feel the actual trends are created. Forget about the Fashion Weeks, this is the fashion event the well dressed men should be going to!



Il Salviatino, Fiesole - REVIEW

Villa Mangiacane, San Casciano in Val di Pesa - REVIEW


Terrazza 45, Fiesole

Villa Machiavelli, San Casciano in Val di Pesa

Osteria Il Poggio, San Casciano in Val di Pesa
