Travel Diary: My Summer holidays Part 6 — Luxury Executive

Travel Diary: My Summer holidays Part 6

Travelling in Italy turns out to be the most beautiful activity to do in summer!

After four really interesting nights in Sicily, one of the most varied and beautiful islands in the world, I arrived today back on the European Mainland, in the region of Basilicata (unknown to you? Then check-it out - it is amazing)! I checked in at the Palazzo Gattini, the place to stay in Basilicata! 

I was greeted very friendly by Teresa, and she showed me around the hotel and accompanied me to the room in a peaceful way (not as fast as at the San Domenico Palace in Taormina). 

Everyone is so friendly here and so helpful. I did not expect, that Basilicata is such a friendly region. Of course the people have to warm up before :-)

Back to the hotel - the room is wonderful, I got a room with two double beds and the bathroom is beautifully designed in modern beige sand stone from the region - it comes with nice toiletries by Côté Bastide and amazing Laura Tonatto room diffusors! The perfection to the detail is great everywhere! 

The spa is wonderful as well, they have a beautiful jacuzzi and relaxing room. Forget about the staff, they'are very unprofessional. In my opinion it is just important what they offer. The entrance fee of 15 Euros to use the Jacuzzi is a bit too high in my opinion!

After relaxing an hour in the spa, I went for dinner in a local restaurant next to the main square. The owner is gorgeos and the food more than excellent! I had the best Tagliata during this three-week trip! 

After the dinner I strolled around theagical town of Matera and found an amazing Gelateria! If you are in Matera you have to pass by this Gelateria!

After a great cup of icel, I decided to have a drink at the hotel's own Duomo Café! After arriving at the hotel I saw that they closed the Cafe and I was a bit sad about it, but no problem! When I asked the front desk for a good bar in the near of the hotel, they called the barkeeper and opened up the bar for all three of us! That was an unique experience and I would also say this hotel does not only advertise the slogan "LUXURY HOTEL!" - they really live it and they let you feel!

Treat yourself to a special trip to Matera! I guarantee, you won't be disappointed!
